In fact, in the exchange, there is no exchange of money, either cash or electronic or in any other way. This means that its functioning follows exactly the mechanism of bartering: I give one thing to you and you give one thing to me. Here, therefore, that there is, as per definition, the reciprocal exchange of a property right on one or more things. Going beyond this, which is a general discourse, and going specifically to the institute of the car exchange, the substance does not change but there are some differences with respect to what is indicated in the civil code. In fact, the practical evolution of the contract was not followed by the formal and legislative one electric cars for sale in san diego.
Unlike what is indicated in the civil code, according to which the costs must be divided equally, the exchange costs are currently divided between both parties of the contract, especially between private individuals. In this case, in fact, there is a high elastic decision-making capacity, such that it allows the contractors to independently manage the transit costs. It is now common practice that each of the parties involved in the contract pays for the passage of their new car, therefore each of the contracting parties bears the bureaucratic expenses foreseen for their vehicle.
How the car exchange works
The aforementioned custom has its positive sides but also its negative ones, because in our country there is still the rule according to which the transfer of ownership of a vehicle is closely linked to its power. Taking a concrete example, therefore, if two subjects decide to exchange the car by exchange and the subject of the contract is a 100kW and a 150kW car.
This speech is very basic and takes into account only and exclusively the exchange that takes place between two private contractors. But in the variegated car market, the trade-in institution is widely used also and above all in contracts between individuals and companies , in particular dealers. In fact, the practice of giving one’s car to the dealership in exchange for a discount on the final price of the car that must be purchased is increasingly consolidated. There is no exchange of goods / money but simply a discount on the purchase equal to the value of the car being sold. Also in this case, we are not in the context of the institution of the sale but we are still in that of the exchange. It is a more advanced form of barteringand it is a slightly more complex mechanism than that of the exchange between private individuals.